Use Horse Manure Disc Pelletizer to Make Fertilizer with Small Capacity

In the realm of agriculture and gardening, the importance of organic fertilizers cannot be overstated. They provide essential nutrients to the soil, improve its structure, and promote healthy plant growth. Horse manure is one such organic material that is highly beneficial for enriching the soil. However, utilizing horse manure efficiently and effectively requires proper processing and transformation. One of the most efficient methods to convert horse manure into valuable fertilizer is by using a horse manure disc pelletizer, especially when dealing with small capacities. In this article, we will explore the benefits and process of using a horse manure disc pelletizer to make fertilizer with small capacity.

Benefits of Using a Horse Manure Disc Pelletizer

  1. Efficient Conversion: A horse manure disc pelletizer is a specialized machine designed to transform raw horse manure into uniform-sized pellets. This process increases the surface area of the manure, allowing for faster decomposition and nutrient release. It ensures that the valuable nutrients present in horse manure are effectively utilized by plants, promoting healthy growth and higher yields.
  2. Nutrient Retention: Horse manure contains a wide range of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with organic matter. However, these nutrients can be lost through leaching or volatilization if the manure is not properly processed. Using a disc pelletizer helps retain these nutrients within the pellets, minimizing nutrient loss and ensuring their availability to plants over an extended period.
  3. Enhanced Soil Structure: Pelletized horse manure acts as an excellent soil conditioner, improving its structure and overall fertility. The pellets enhance soil aeration and water retention, preventing compaction and water runoff. This leads to better root development, nutrient uptake, and overall plant health.
  4. Weed and Pathogen Control: The high temperatures reached during the pelletization process help in killing weed seeds and reducing the presence of harmful pathogens in the horse manure. This minimizes the risk of weed infestation and plant diseases, creating a healthier environment for your plants.
dic pelletizer for sale

dic pelletizer for sale

The Process of Using a Horse Manure Disc Pelletizer

  1. Raw Material Preparation: Before using the disc pelletizer, it is essential to properly prepare the horse manure. Remove any large debris or bedding materials, such as straw or wood shavings, from the manure to ensure a clean feedstock. You can also mix the horse manure with other organic materials like kitchen scraps or crop residues to enhance the nutrient content of the final fertilizer.
  2. Drying: If the horse manure is too moist, it is advisable to dry it to reduce the moisture content. Excessive moisture can lead to difficulties in pellet formation and result in low-quality pellets. Spread the manure in a thin layer and let it air dry naturally or use a mechanical drying method if necessary.
  3. Grinding and Mixing (Optional): If the horse manure contains larger chunks or fibrous materials, it is recommended to grind or shred it into smaller pieces. This will facilitate the pelletization process and ensure uniform pellet size. Additionally, you can mix the horse manure with other organic amendments like compost or agricultural lime to balance the nutrient composition.
  4. Pelletization: Once the horse manure is adequately prepared, it is ready for pelletization using the disc pelletizer. The machine consists of a rotating disc with adjustable angle and speed, which causes the raw material to form pellets as it passes through the disc. The size of the pellets can be controlled by adjusting the disc inclination, while the speed determines the production capacity.
  5. Drying and Cooling: After the pelletization process, the horse manure pellets need to be dried and cooled to reduce moisture content and ensure long-term storage stability. This can be achieved through natural air drying or using a specialized drying equipment. It is important to cool the pellets to room temperature before packaging or storage.


Utilizing horse manure as a valuable fertilizer resource can significantly benefit your gardening or farming endeavors. By using a horse manure disc pelletizer, you can efficiently convert raw horse manure into uniform pellets, retaining its nutrients and enhancing soil fertility. The process outlined above provides a step-by-step guide for making fertilizer with small capacity. Embracing this sustainable approach not only improves the health of your plants but also contributes to a greener and more environmentally friendly agricultural system. So, harness the power of horse manure and maximize its potential with a horse manure disc pelletizer!

How to start your npk fertilizer production line?

Starting your own NPK fertilizer production line can be a rewarding venture that contributes to the agricultural sector. By producing balanced nutrient blends, you can enhance crop growth and ensure sustainable agricultural practices. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you embark on setting up your NPK fertilizer production line.

granulation fertilizer production to manage chicken manure

granulation fertilizer production to manage chicken manure

]Firstly, conduct thorough market research to understand the demand and competition in your region. Analyze the target market, identify potential customers, and assess their specific needs. This information will shape your product range and marketing strategies.

Next, secure the necessary licenses and permits required to establish a fertilizer production facility. Contact local regulatory agencies and comply with safety, health, and environmental regulations. These permits will ensure the legality and credibility of your operation.

Once the legal aspects are in order, select a suitable location for your production facility. Consider factors such as proximity to raw material suppliers, transportation access, and availability of utilities like water and electricity. Adequate space for storage, processing, and packaging is also essential.

npk fertilizer making plant

The core component of an NPK fertilizer production line is the formulation of the nutrient blends. Develop formulas that cater to different crop types and growth stages. Balancing the proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) is crucial to meet plant requirements. Consult agronomists and soil experts to fine-tune your formulations for optimal results.

Next, secure reliable sources of raw materials. Common ingredients include urea, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium chloride. Establish long-term contracts with reputable suppliers to ensure a steady supply chain. Quality control is paramount, so conduct regular tests to ensure the raw materials meet your specifications.

Invest in the necessary equipment for the production process. This includes mixers, granulators, dryers, coolers, and packaging machinery. Choose machinery that suits the scale of your operation and aligns with your production capacity goals. Ensure regular maintenance and calibration of equipment to maintain productivity and quality standards.

Implement efficient manufacturing processes to streamline production. Design a workflow that minimizes downtime and maximizes output. Train your production team on operating procedures, safety protocols, and quality control measures. Regularly monitor production efficiency to identify areas for improvement.

Double roller granulator for compound fertilizer making

Double roller granulator for compound fertilizer making

Once the NPK fertilizer blends are manufactured, implement effective packaging and labeling strategies. Use durable and eco-friendly packaging materials that preserve the quality of the product. Clearly label the packaging with essential information such as nutrient content, instructions for use, and safety precautions.

Develop a robust marketing and distribution plan to reach your target customers. Promote your products through various channels, including digital marketing, agricultural fairs, and partnerships with local retailers. Offer competitive pricing, superior quality, and excellent customer service to gain a competitive edge.

Lastly, establish strong relationships with farmers, agronomists, and distributors. Seek feedback from customers and adapt your products based on their needs. Continuously innovate and stay updated with industry trends to maintain a successful NPK fertilizer production line.

In conclusion, starting an NPK fertilizer production line requires meticulous planning, adherence to regulations, and dedication to quality. By following these steps and continuously improving your processes, you can establish a thriving business that contributes to sustainable agriculture and supports farmers in maximizing their yields.

Now, check our website for more about NPK fertilizer production and get an affordable fertilizer production line!

NPK Fertilizer Production Line

Chicken manure drum granulator production line

The chicken manure drum granulator production line is an efficient and eco-friendly method to convert chicken manure into organic fertilizer. This production line utilizes a drum granulator, a vital piece of equipment that transforms raw chicken manure into granules suitable for agricultural use. The process involves several stages, each contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the production line. Let’s explore the key steps and components of this innovative production line.

Raw Material Collection and Preparation

The first stage in the chicken manure drum granulator production line is the collection and preparation of raw materials. Chicken manure is gathered from poultry farms and undergoes preliminary treatment to remove impurities such as feathers, bedding, and excess moisture. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous and nutrient-rich mixture that can be processed efficiently.

Solid-Liquid Separation

Once the raw material is prepared, it is subjected to solid-liquid separation. This step involves the use of a dewatering machine, which separates the solid and liquid components of the manure. The liquid portion, known as the digestate, can be further processed into biogas or used as a liquid fertilizer. The solid fraction, which contains the majority of the nutrients, moves on to the next stage.

Fermentation and Composting

The separated solid fraction of chicken manure is transferred to a fermentation area where it undergoes composting. Composting is a natural process that utilizes microorganisms to break down organic matter and convert it into a stable and nutrient-rich material. During composting, the temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels are carefully controlled to facilitate the decomposition process. This stage plays a crucial role in eliminating pathogens and weed seeds, ensuring the final product is safe and of high quality.

Granulation Process

After the composting process, the material is ready for granulation. The chicken manure drum granulator is the main equipment used for this purpose. The drum granulator consists of a large rotating drum lined with a special rubber lining. As the drum rotates, the material inside adheres to the lining due to the centrifugal force. Meanwhile, a liquid binder is sprayed onto the material to enhance granule formation and provide additional nutrients.

Drying and Cooling

Once the granulation process is complete, the newly formed granules contain some moisture and are at an elevated temperature. To ensure long-term storage stability and reduce moisture content, the granules are sent to a drying system. The drying process involves the use of hot air, which removes excess moisture and lowers the temperature of the granules. Subsequently, the granules are passed through a cooling system to achieve ambient temperature and prevent clumping during storage.

Screening and Packaging

Following drying and cooling, the granules are screened to remove any oversized or undersized particles, ensuring a consistent and uniform product size. This stage helps to maintain product quality and facilitates easy application. Finally, the screened granules are ready for packaging. They can be packed in bags or stored in bulk, depending on the requirements of end users.

granulation fertilizer production to manage chicken manure

granulation fertilizer production to manage chicken manure

Advantages of Chicken Manure Drum Granulator Production Line

The chicken manure drum granulator production line offers several advantages compared to traditional methods of chicken manure disposal. Firstly, it provides a sustainable solution for managing poultry waste by converting it into valuable organic fertilizer. This not only reduces environmental pollution but also contributes to the circular economy.

Furthermore, the drum granulator production line ensures the efficient utilization of nutrients present in chicken manure. The granules produced are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with other essential micronutrients. These nutrients are released slowly, promoting healthy plant growth and minimizing the risk of nutrient leaching.

In addition, the granules produced through this production line have excellent handling properties. They are dust-free, easy to store, and convenient to apply using traditional fertilizer spreading equipment. This makes them highly suitable for large-scale agricultural operations. You can visit for details.


The chicken manure drum granulator production line is a comprehensive and sustainable solution for converting chicken manure into organic fertilizer. By employing various stages, including raw material preparation, solid-liquid separation, fermentation and composting, granulation, drying and cooling, screening, and packaging, this production line efficiently transforms waste into a valuable resource. The resulting granules are nutrient-rich, environmentally friendly, and offer numerous benefits for agricultural applications. By implementing this production line, poultry farms can effectively manage their waste while contributing to the overall sustainability of the agricultural industry.

Can you put sheep manure sraight on the garden?

Using sheep manure as a natural fertilizer can be highly beneficial for your garden, but it requires proper handling and application to ensure optimal results. While sheep manure is a nutrient-rich organic material that can enhance soil fertility, it’s important to consider a few factors before using it directly on your garden.

Fermentation Groove For Material Composting

Fermentation Groove For Material Composting

Sheep manure contains valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with organic matter that can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. These nutrients are essential for plant growth and can promote healthier, more productive plants. However, raw manure, including sheep manure, can also contain pathogens and weed seeds that could potentially harm your plants if not properly treated.

Before applying sheep manure directly to your garden, it’s recommended to compost or age it first. Composting is a process that involves breaking down organic materials through microbial activity. By composting sheep manure, you allow the microorganisms to decompose the manure, reducing the presence of pathogens and weed seeds while also creating a more balanced nutrient profile.

Chicken manure compost making workshop

Chicken manure compost making workshop

To compost sheep manure, start by creating a compost pile or using a compost turner. Mix the manure with other organic materials such as dry leaves, straw, or wood chips to provide carbon-rich matter that helps with decomposition. Turning the compost regularly and maintaining proper moisture levels will help accelerate the decomposition process. Over time, the composting process will transform the raw manure into a nutrient-rich, stable material that can be safely applied to your garden.

Composted sheep manure can be applied to the garden in various ways. One common method is top-dressing, which involves spreading a thin layer of compost on the soil surface around plants. This allows the nutrients to gradually release into the soil as the compost breaks down, providing a slow and steady supply of nutrients to your plants.

Another approach is incorporating the composted manure into the soil before planting. This can be done by mixing the compost with the top layer of soil using a garden fork or tiller. By thoroughly incorporating the compost, you ensure that the nutrients are evenly distributed and readily available to plant roots.

Compost making machine for animal manure

When applying sheep manure compost, it’s important to avoid over-application. While organic fertilizers are generally safer than synthetic ones, excessive amounts can still lead to nutrient imbalances or nutrient runoff, which may negatively impact the environment. Following the recommended application rates based on the specific needs of your plants and soil type is crucial for sustainabl and responsible gardening practices.

In conclusion, sheep manure can be a valuable resource for gardeners seeking organic and sustainable fertilizer options. However, it is advisable to compost or age the manure first to reduce the risk of pathogens and weed seeds. Composted sheep manure can be safely applied to your garden, providing essential nutrients and improving soil health. Remember to follow proper application techniques and rates to ensure optimal plant growth and environmental stewardship. By harnessing the power of sheep manure as a natural fertilizer, you can enhance the vitality and productivity of your garden while minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals.

You can check this page for more about !

How to Make Goat Manure Fertilizer

What Equipment Is Needed In Bio Fertilizer Production

The production of bio-fertilizers requires specialized machines that can help in the preparation and processing of organic materials into high-quality bio fertilizers. Here are some of the most commonly used machines in bio-fertilizer production:

Composting machines

These machines are used to convert organic waste into compost. They can be designed to handle different volumes of organic waste and can operate using different methods, such as large composting, small scale fertilizer fermentation, windrow composting machine, in-vessel fermentation, etc.

Windrow bio fertilizer composting

Windrow bio fertilizer composting

Granulating machines

These machines are used to convert compost into granulated bio-fertilizer. They can compress the compost into pellets of various sizes, depending on the specific needs of the production process. Click here fore more.

Mixing machines

These machines are used to mix beneficial bacteria with different types of organic materials, such as manure, crop residues, and other waste products. They can be designed to handle different volumes of material and can be used to create specific blends of bio-fertilizer.

Bio fertilizer making system

Bio fertilizer making system

Drying machines

These machines are used to dry the bio-fertilizer after it has been granulated. So your fertilizer can be transported and stored easier. They can be designed to operate using different methods, such as natural air drying or mechanical drying.

Packing machines

These machines are used to package the bio-fertilizer into bags or other containers. They can be designed to handle different sizes and types of packaging, depending on the specific needs of the production process.

The specific machines used in bio-fertilizer production may vary depending on the scale of production and the specific requirements of the process. It is important to work with a qualified professional who can help design a production system that meets the needs of your operation. If you need suitable bio fertilizer making plan, you can visit

How to Make 20:20:20 NPK Fertilizer in Your Production Line?

If you are involved in agriculture, then you know that NPK fertilizer is essential for plant growth and development. NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, which are the three most important nutrients required by plants. A balanced NPK fertilizer provides these nutrients in equal proportions to ensure optimal plant growth.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of making 20:20:20 NPK fertilizer in your production line. The process is relatively simple and requires some basic equipment, raw materials, and expertise.

npk fertilizer making plant

Step 1: Gather Raw Materials

The first step in making 20:20:20 NPK fertilizer is to gather the raw materials. You will need urea, triple superphosphate, and potassium chloride. These materials are readily available in most agricultural supply stores. Ensure that the materials are of high quality and are free from impurities.

Step 2: Weigh the Raw Materials

The next step is to weigh the raw materials according to the desired NPK ratio. For 20:20:20 NPK fertilizer, you will need to weigh 20% urea, 20% triple superphosphate, and 20% potassium chloride. For example, if you need to produce 1000 kg of 20:20:20 NPK fertilizer, you will need to weigh 200 kg of each raw material.

Step 3: Mix the Raw Materials

Once you have weighed the raw materials, the next step is to mix them thoroughly. You can use a mechanical mixer or manually mix the materials in a large container. Ensure that the mixing is done uniformly to ensure that the NPK ratio is consistent.

Step 4: Granulate the Mixture

After mixing the raw materials, the next step is to granulate the mixture. Granulation involves converting the mixture into small, uniform-sized particles that are easy to handle and apply. You can use a granulator machine to achieve this. Ensure that the granules are of the desired size and are uniform.

Step 5: Dry and Cool the Granules

Once you have granulated the mixture, the next step is to dry and cool the granules. Drying removes any moisture that may be present, while cooling reduces the temperature of the granules to ensure that they do not clump together. You can use a rotary dryer and a cooler to achieve this.

Step 6: Screen the Granules

The final step is to screen the granules to remove any oversized or undersized particles. This ensures that the final product is of high quality and is uniform in size. You can use a vibrating screen to achieve this.

Step 7: Package the fertilizer

Once the fertilizer is dry, it is ready to be packaged. Use a packaging machine to fill bags or containers with the fertilizer. Seal the bags or containers and label them with the nutrient content, weight, and any other relevant information.


In summary, making 20:20:20 NPK fertilizer is a simple process that requires some basic equipment, raw materials, and expertise. By following the above steps, you can produce high-quality NPK fertilizer that is essential for optimal plant growth and development. Remember to adhere to safety guidelines and regulations when handling the raw materials and equipment. Now, click our website to read more.

poultry rotary composter

The management of poultry manure is an important aspect of poultry farming. Improper disposal of poultry manure can lead to environmental pollution and health hazards. One of the most effective ways to manage poultry manure is by composting. Composting is the process of converting organic waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil fertility. The poultry rotary composter is an innovative technology that can help poultry farmers to compost poultry manure efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the poultry rotary composter, its benefits, and how it works.

Windrow composting process

Windrow composting process

What is a poultry rotary composter?
A poultry rotary composter is a machine designed to compost poultry manure. The composter consists of a rotating drum that is used to mix and aerate the manure. The drum is fitted with internal paddles that move the manure around, ensuring that it is thoroughly mixed and aerated. The composter is also equipped with a heating system that helps to maintain the optimal temperature for composting.
How does a poultry rotary composter work?
The poultry rotary composter works by creating an optimal environment for composting. The composting process requires a balance of carbon and nitrogen, oxygen, and moisture. The drum of the composter is filled with poultry manure, which is mixed with a carbon source, such as sawdust or straw. The internal paddles of the drum move the manure around, ensuring that it is thoroughly mixed with the carbon source. This helps to create a balance of carbon and nitrogen in the compost.

Fermentation Groove For Material Composting

Fermentation Groove For Material Composting

The composter is equipped with a heating system that helps to maintain the optimal temperature for composting. The temperature is maintained at around 60-70 degrees Celsius, which is the optimal temperature for composting. The heat is generated by a heating system that is fueled by propane or natural gas.
The composter is also equipped with a ventilation system that helps to maintain the optimal oxygen levels for composting. The ventilation system circulates air through the drum, ensuring that there is enough oxygen for the microorganisms that break down the organic matter in the manure.
The moisture content of the compost is also important for the composting process. The composter is equipped with a moisture control system that ensures that the compost has the optimal moisture content. The moisture control system sprays water onto the manure as it is being composted, ensuring that it has the right moisture content.
What are the benefits of a poultry rotary composter?

Chicken manure compost making workshop

Chicken manure compost making workshop

The poultry rotary composter offers several benefits, including:

Efficient composting – The poultry rotary composter is designed to compost poultry manure efficiently. The rotating drum and internal paddles ensure that the manure is thoroughly mixed and aerated, creating an optimal environment for composting.
Reduced odors – Composting poultry manure can produce unpleasant odors. The poultry rotary composter is designed to reduce odors by providing an optimal environment for composting.
Reduced waste – Composting poultry manure reduces waste by converting it into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil fertility.
Reduced environmental pollution – Improper disposal of poultry manure can lead to environmental pollution. Composting poultry manure reduces the risk of pollution by converting it into a beneficial product.
Increased profits – Composting poultry manure can help to reduce fertilizer costs by providing a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve soil fertility. This can lead to increased profits for poultry farmers.
In conclusion, the poultry rotary composter is an innovative technology that can help poultry farmers to manage poultry manure efficiently. The composter offers several benefits, including efficient composting, reduced odors, reduced waste, reduced environmental pollution, and increased profits. Poultry farmers who are looking for an efficient way to manage poultry manure should consider.

Now, check our website to buy an organic fertilizer processing plant and start your fertilizer business!

Poultry Manure Composting

How to Dispose of Cow Dung Waste to Make Fertilizer?

Cow dung is a widely used organic material that can be produced the organic fertilizer. It contains valuable nutrients and organic matter that can be used to enrich soil and improve crop growth. However, if not disposed of properly, cow dung can pose a risk to human health and the environment.In this article, we will discuss how to dispose of cow dung waste to make fertilizer, including the steps involved and the benefits of using cow dung fertilizer.

Step 1: Collect Cow Dung

The first step in making cow dung fertilizer is to collect cow dung. This can be done by manually collecting the dung from the floor of the cowshed or by using automated systems that collect the dung and deposit it in a holding area. The dung should be collected regularly to ensure it does not accumulate and become a health hazard.

Step 2: Dry the Cow Dung

After collecting the cow dung, it needs to be dried before it can be used as fertilizer. This can be done by spreading the dung in a thin layer in a sunny area or using a mechanical dryer. The drying process may take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the weather conditions and the amount of dung being dried.

drying cow dung fertilizer

drying cow dung fertilizer

Step 3: Grind the Dried Cow Dung

Once the cow dung is dry, it needs to be ground into a fine powder. This can be done using a manure grinder or a pestle and mortar. The finely ground cow dung will be easier to handle and will break down more quickly when added to the soil.

Step 4: Mix with Compost

To make the cow dung fertilizer more effective, it should be mixed with compost. Compost is a rich source of organic matter and nutrients that will enhance the soil’s fertility. The cow dung and compost can be mixed in a 1:1 ratio to create a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Step 5:Granulating the Fertilizer

After composting the cow dung, the granulation process begins. Because of the dry cow dung ,you can use double-roller granulator to pellet the fertilizer. It belongs to dry granulation. So you need not to dry and cool the fertilizer after granulating.

Step 6:Packing the Granular Fertilizer

You can pack the fertilizer directly after granulating .If you have more budget ,you can configure the automatic palletizer. This equipment allows you to load the packed fertilizer in an orderly manner, which reduces a lot of manpower and improves the loading efficiency and aesthetics.

Benefits of Using Cow Dung Fertilizer

Using cow dung fertilizer has several benefits for the soil and the environment. First, it is a natural and renewable source of organic matter and nutrients that can improve soil structure and fertility. Second, it reduces the amount of cow dung waste that would otherwise have to be disposed of, reducing the environmental impact of cow farming.

Cow dung fertilizer also has a lower carbon footprint than synthetic fertilizers, which are made from fossil fuels. In addition, using cow dung fertilizer can improve crop yields and quality, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Cow dung is a valuable resource that can be used to make fertilizer. By following the steps outlined in this article, cow farmers can dispose of their cow dung waste in an environmentally friendly way while also creating a nutrient-rich fertilizer that will enhance crop growth and soil fertility. Know more can visit, start collecting your cow dung and make your own fertilizer today!