How to use drum pelleting machine to make npk 17:17:17 fertilizer

Drum pelleting machine is an essential tool in the production of NPK 17:17:17 fertilizer. This machine is used to create pellets from a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the ratio of 17:17:17. The process of using a drum pelleting machine to make NPK 17:17:17 fertilizer involves several steps, which are outlined below.

Preparing the Raw Materials

Before using the drum pelleting machine, it is important to prepare the raw materials. This involves mixing the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the correct ratio of 17:17:17. The raw materials should be thoroughly mixed to ensure that the pellets produced have a uniform composition.

Feeding the Drum Pelleting Machine

Once the raw materials are prepared, they are fed into the rotary drum pellet equipment. The machine has a hopper where the raw materials are poured. The hopper is connected to a conveyor belt that transports the materials to the drum.

Pelletizing the Raw Materials

Inside the drum, the raw materials are subjected to high pressure and heat. The pressure and heat cause the materials to bind together and form pellets. The size of the pellets can be adjusted by changing the settings on the drum pelleting machine.

Cooling the Pellets

After the pellets are formed, they are discharged from the drum and passed through a cooling conveyor. The cooling conveyor helps to solidify the pellets and prevent them from sticking together.

Packaging the NPK 17:17:17 Fertilizer

Once the pellets are cooled, they are ready to be packaged. The pellets can be packaged in bags or bulk containers, depending on the preference of the manufacturer or the end-user.

Using a drum pelleting machine to make NPK 17:17:17 fertilizer is a relatively simple process. However, it is important to follow the steps outlined above to ensure that the pellets produced are of high quality and have the correct composition. By using a drum pelleting machine, manufacturers can produce NPK 17:17:17 fertilizer efficiently and cost-effectively. If you want to need other npk fertilizer plant, we can also provide you with professional machines.

How to use granulate dryer machine to remove excessive moisture

Granulate dryer machines are essential equipment for removing excessive moisture from materials in various industries. Proper use of these machines can ensure the efficient drying of materials and prevent issues such as mold growth, material degradation, and product quality problems. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a granulate dryer equipment:


1. Preparation
Before using the granulate dryer machine, it is essential to prepare the materials that need to be dried. This may involve sorting and cleaning the materials to remove any debris or contaminants that may affect the drying process. It is also important to ensure that the materials are in a suitable form for drying, such as small granules or flakes.

2. Loading the Machine
Once the materials are prepared, they can be loaded into the granulate dryer machine. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for loading the machine, as overloading can reduce the efficiency of the drying process. The materials should be spread out evenly across the drying chamber to ensure that they are exposed to the hot air.

3. Setting the Temperature and Time
The next step is to set the temperature and time for the drying process. The temperature and time required will depend on the type of material being dried and the desired level of moisture removal. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and adjust the settings as needed to achieve the desired results.

4. Monitoring the Drying Process
During the drying process, it is essential to monitor the machine to ensure that it is operating correctly. This may involve checking the temperature and humidity levels in the drying chamber, as well as the condition of the materials being dried. If any issues are detected, such as overheating or insufficient drying, adjustments should be made to the machine’s settings.

5. Unloading the Machine
Once the drying process is complete, the materials can be unloaded from the granulate dryer machine. It is important to handle the materials carefully to prevent any damage or contamination. The materials should be allowed to cool before being packaged or stored.

6. Cleaning and Maintenance
After use, the granulate dryer machine should be cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This may involve removing any residual materials from the drying chamber, cleaning the filters, and checking for any signs of wear or damage. Regular maintenance can help to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the machine.

In conclusion, using a granulate dryer machine to remove excessive moisture requires careful preparation, loading, temperature and time settings, monitoring, unloading, and maintenance. By following these steps, you can ensure that your materials are dried effectively and efficiently. This step usually be used after granulating.

How to Make Bentonite Granules?

Creating high-quality bentonite granules is essential for various industrial applications, from agriculture to chemicals. This process requires precision, appropriate machinery, and an understanding of the granulation process. In this detailed guide, you will discover how to efficiently produce bentonite granules, focusing on the machinery involved and the reasons behind the choice of specific equipment.

Understanding the Raw Materials for Bentonite Granulation

Before diving into the granulation process, one must recognize the importance of the raw materials used. Bentonite, a highly absorbent clay, forms the base of the granulation process. Depending on the intended use of the granules, additional materials might be mixed with bentonite to enhance its properties. These can range from polymers for water retention in agricultural applications to minerals that improve its strength for industrial use. The choice of raw materials is crucial as it directly affects the quality and characteristics of the final granules. Read more.

Processing Many Types of Bentonite by Double Roller Granulator

Processing Many Types of Bentonite by Double Roller Granulator

The Role of the Double Roller Extrusion Granulator in Bentonite Granulation

At the heart of the bentonite granulation process lies the double roller extrusion granulator, a machine designed to compact and form the raw materials into dense, uniform granules. Unlike other granulation methods, this process does not require the addition of liquids, making it an ideal choice for materials that are sensitive to moisture. The machine’s precision allows for the control of granule size and density, ensuring that the final product meets specific requirements.

Why Choose Horizontal Mixers and Vertical Crushers for Your Production Line?

For a seamless and efficient bentonite granulation process, incorporating horizontal mixers and vertical crushers into the production line is advisable. The horizontal mixer ensures that the raw materials are thoroughly blended before granulation, providing a consistent mixture that promotes uniform granule quality. On the other hand, the vertical crusher plays a critical role in processing oversized granules or materials that clump together, crushing them back into fine particles that can be reintroduced into the granulation process. This combination not only optimizes the process but also minimizes waste, enhancing overall production efficiency.

Configuring a Bentonite Granulation Production Line

When setting up a production line for bentonite granules, understanding the synergy between different machines is key. Starting with the vertical crusher, raw materials are brought to a uniform size, ensuring a smooth feed into the horizontal mixer. Here, any additional ingredients are combined with bentonite to achieve the desired mixture. The heart of the operation, the double roller extrusion granulator, then compacts this mixture into dense granules. This methodical approach guarantees high-quality granules with minimal resource wastage.


The production of bentonite granules is a sophisticated process that demands precision and the right equipment. By choosing machines like the double roller extrusion granulator, horizontal mixers, and vertical crushers, manufacturers can ensure the production of high-quality granules. This not only optimizes the granulation process but also aligns with industrial standards, ensuring that the final products meet the needs of various applications. As professionals in the field, Yushunxin, is committed to providing state-of-the-art fertilizer equipment that caters to the unique needs of our clients, ensuring that they achieve the best possible outcomes in their granulation projects. You can visit:

How to use rotary drum pelletizer to make phosphate fertilizer granules

Phosphate fertilizer granules are an essential component of modern agriculture, providing essential nutrients to crops and helping to increase yields. One of the most efficient methods for producing these granules is through the use of a rotary drum pelletizer. In this passage, we will discuss how to use a rotary drum pelletizer to make phosphate fertilizer granules.

What is a Rotary Drum Pelletizer?

A rotary drum pelletizer is a large, cylindrical machine that is used to agglomerate various materials into pellets or granules. It is commonly used in the production of fertilizers, as it can handle large volumes of material and produce uniform, high-quality granules.

phosphate fertilizer pellets rotary drum granulator

phosphate fertilizer pellets rotary drum granulator

Preparing the Raw Materials

Before using the rotary drum pelletizer, it is important to prepare the raw materials. This typically involves mixing the phosphate with other necessary components, such as binders and fillers, to create a homogeneous mixture. The mixture should be moist but not too wet, as excess moisture can lead to the formation of clumps and uneven granules.

Loading the Pelletizer

Once the raw materials are prepared, they can be loaded into the rotary drum pelleting equipment. This is typically done using a conveyor belt or other feeding mechanism. The pelletizer should be set to the appropriate speed and angle to ensure that the materials are properly agglomerated.

The Granulation Process

As the raw materials move through the rotary drum pelletizer, they are agitated and rolled into granules. The motion of the drum causes the materials to collide and stick together, forming larger and larger granules. The size and shape of the granules can be controlled by adjusting the speed and angle of the drum, as well as the moisture content of the raw materials.

Finishing the Granules

Once the granules have reached the desired size, they can be discharged from the rotary drum pelletizer. They may need to be dried or cooled before being packaged and shipped to customers. Read more details.


Using a rotary drum pelletizer to make phosphate fertilizer granules is an efficient and effective method for producing high-quality fertilizers. By carefully preparing the raw materials, loading the pelletizer, and controlling the granulation process, manufacturers can produce uniform, consistent granules that are essential for modern agriculture.

3 Tips for Speeding Up the Process of Goat Manure Composting

Speeding up the composting process for goat manure can help you preparfast decomposition of sheep manuree quality organic fertilizer quickly. Here are three tips to help you achieve that:

1. Optimize the Pile Size and Composition

Correct Pile Size: The size of your compost pile can significantly impact how quickly goat manure decomposes. A pile that’s too small won’t retain enough heat, while one that’s too large may not receive adequate aeration. Aim for a pile that’s about 3-5 feet in height and width to maintain the necessary heat and encourage microbial activity.

Balance Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio: Goat manure is high in nitrogen, so to speed up the composting process, it’s important to balance it with carbon-rich “brown” materials like dry leaves, straw, or wood chips. The ideal ratio is about 25-30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen. Achieving this balance can help prevent odors and create an environment that’s conducive to fast decomposition of sheep manure.

Manure compost products

Manure compost products

2. Enhance Aeration and Turn Regularly

Regular Turning: Turning the compost pile regularly (every couple of days to once a week) can significantly speed up the process. Turning introduces oxygen into the pile, which is crucial for aerobic bacteria to thrive and break down the organic matter. Well-oxygenated compost piles will decompose much faster than those left unturned.

Use an professional goat manure compost machine: If manually turning the pile with a pitchfork or shovel seems too labor-intensive, consider using a professional compost turner of goat manure that you can push directly into the pile and turn compost piles to create air channels. This can be a less strenuous way to ensure your pile is well-aerated. Click here to learn more.

3. Maintain Proper Moisture and Temperature

Moisture Control: Microbes need moisture to survive, but too much water can create anaerobic conditions that slow down the composting process. Keep the compost as moist as a wrung-out sponge. During dry spells, you may need to add water, and during rainy periods, you may need to cover the pile to prevent it from getting too wet. In addition, we has dehydrator and water tank for goat poop compost making.

Monitor Temperature: The heat generated by microbial activity is a good indicator of the composting process. Piles that maintain a temperature between 130-160°F are composting effectively. You can use a compost thermometer to monitor the temperature and adjust your management practices accordingly. If the pile is too cool, you might need to turn it more often to reactivate the microorganisms.

Bonus Tip: Utilize Compost Accelerators

Add Compost Starters or Accelerators: Compost starters or accelerators contain beneficial microorganisms that can jumpstart the decomposition process. You can also add fresh green materials, such as vegetable scraps or grass clippings, which are high in nitrogen and can act as a natural accelerator.

By following these tips, you can speed up the composting of goat manure and enjoy the benefits of nutrient-rich organic fertilizer for your garden much sooner. Remember, though, while speed is desirable, ensuring a high-quality finished compost is the ultimate goal. If you want to make goat manure compost better, you can visit

What equipment can make limestone pellets

Limestone pellets are an essential product in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and water treatment. The production of limestone pellets requires specialized equipment to ensure the pellets are of high quality and meet industry standards. Here are some of the essential equipment used in the production of limestone pellets.

Grinding Equipment

Before limestone can be turned into pellets, it must first be ground into a fine powder. Grinding equipment, such as ball mills or hammer mills, is used to reduce the size of the limestone. These machines use a combination of impact and abrasion to break down the limestone into a fine powder that can be easily formed into pellets.

Pelletizing Equipment

Once the limestone is ground into a fine powder, it is then mixed with water and other binding agents to form a wet mixture. This mixture is then fed into a pelletizing machine, which uses a combination of pressure and heat to form the mixture into pellets. There are various types of pelletizing equipment, including disc pelletizers, rotary drum pelletizers, and extrusion pelletizers. Each type of pelletizer has its advantages and is chosen based on the specific needs of the production process.

limestone pellets granulating production line

limestone pellets granulating production line

Drying Equipment

After the limestone pellets are formed, they must be dried to remove any excess moisture. Drying equipment, such as rotary granulate dryers or fluid bed dryers, is used to remove moisture from the pellets. The drying process is critical to ensuring the pellets are of high quality and can be used in various applications.

Screening Equipment

Once the limestone pellets are dried, they must be screened to ensure they are of the correct size and shape. Sieving machine, such as vibrating screens or trommel screens, is used to separate the pellets into different size fractions. This ensures that the pellets meet industry standards and can be used in various applications.

In conclusion, the production of limestone pellets requires specialized equipment to ensure the pellets are of high quality and meet industry standards. Grinding equipment is used to reduce the size of the limestone, pelletizing equipment is used to form the limestone into pellets, drying equipment is used to remove excess moisture, and screening equipment is used to separate the pellets into different size fractions. With the right equipment, limestone pellets can be produced efficiently and effectively for various industries.

Ворошитель компоста колесного типа: революционное оборудование для производства компоста для грибов.

Производство грибов предъявляет высокие требования к качеству компоста, поскольку оно напрямую влияет на урожайность и качество грибов. Чтобы удовлетворить всё возрастающие стандарты производства, мы, как профессиональные производители удобрений, разработали эффективный ворошитель компоста колесного типа для обеспечения надежного и эффективного решения по производству компоста высокого качества для грибов.

Ворошитель компоста колесного типа

Ворошитель компоста колесного типа

Основное преимущество роторного перекидывателя заключается в его способности эффективно перемешивать компост, проникая глубоко в материал и обеспечивая тщательное перемешивание и аэрацию. Ниже приведены несколько аспектов, в которых наш ворошитель компоста колесного типа играет ключевую роль в производстве компоста для грибов:

1. Улучшение однородности компоста
Роторный перекидыватель использует вращающиеся диски для глубокого проникновения в слои компоста, перемешивая и смешивая различные ингредиенты, включая солому и навоз животных, что обеспечивает равномерное распределение компонентов и полный контакт, значительно повышая однородность компоста.

2. Повышение доступа кислорода
При переворачивании роторный перекидыватель эффективно вводит кислород во внутренние слои компоста, стимулируя активность аэробных микроорганизмов, ускоряя разложение органических веществ и повышая качество и скорость ферментации компоста.

грибной компост

грибной компост

3. Контроль температуры и влажности
Температура и влажность компоста имеют решающее значение для процесса брожения. Работа роторного перекидывателя помогает рассеивать тепло и испарять излишнюю влагу, а регулярное переворачивание эффективно контролирует температуру и влажность компоста, обеспечивая оптимальные условия для деятельности микроорганизмов.

4. Сокращение трудозатрат и времени
Традиционные методы переворачивания компоста обычно требуют значительных затрат труда и времени. Автоматизированная работа роторного перекидывателя существенно снижает потребность в рабочей силе и повышает эффективность переворачивания, сокращая время производства компоста для грибов.

5. Снижение производственных затрат
Благодаря повышению производительности роторный перекидыватель помогает уменьшить потребление энергии и затраты на оплату труда, тем самым снижая общую стоимость производства для выращивателей грибов.

6. Поддержка устойчивого развития
Роторный перекидыватель разработан с учетом потребностей в защите окружающей среды, повышая эффективность использования сырья и снижая производство отходов, что способствует практике устойчивого сельского хозяйства.

Последующее использование отработанного грибного компоста.

Последующее использование отработанного грибного компоста.

Наш ворошитель компоста колесного типа специально разработан для производства компоста для грибов. Он оптимизирует традиционные процессы переворачивания компоста, значительно улучшая его качество и производительность. Как производители удобрений, мы обязуемся постоянно инновировать, предлагая эффективные и экологичные решения для удовлетворения растущих потребностей грибоводства. Выбирая наш роторный перекидыватель, вы выбираете надежного партнера для совместного продвижения процветания и устойчивого развития вашего грибного бизнеса. Для получения дополнительной информации об оборудовании посетите:

The Process of NPK Fertilizer Manufacturing

When it comes to nurturing crops, balanced nutrition is pivotal. NPK fertilizers, which encompass the essential elements Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), encapsulate this balance in granular form. In this blog, we’ll break down the NPK fertilizer manufacturing process, revealing how science and technology blend to foster lush fields and bountiful harvests.

The ABCs of NPK

Nitrogen is the backbone of chlorophyll and is essential for plant photosynthesis. Phosphorus contributes to the development of roots, flowers, seeds, and fruits, while Potassium is key for water regulation and resilience against diseases. An NPK fertilizer combines these three elements in various proportions to suit different crop needs and soil conditions.

Compound fertilizer making process

Compound fertilizer making process

The Manufacturing Process of NPK Fertilizer: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Ingredient Selection and Dosing

The manufacturing steps of NPK  fertilizer begins with the careful selection of raw materials. Nitrogen is typically sourced from ammonia or urea, phosphorus from phosphoric acid or monoammonium phosphate, and potassium from potassium chloride or sulfate. These ingredients are then dosed in precise ratios to preare NPK balanced fertilizer.

2. Mixing and Granulation

The heart of the NPK manufacturing process is the granulation stage. Raw materials are fed into a mixer, often a pugmill, where they are combined with recycled fines to help with the granulation process. The mix is then transferred to a NPK granulator—typically a rotary drum or pan granulator—where it is moistened, typically with water or steam, to facilitate the formation of granules. Click here to learn more.

3. Drying and Cooling

Freshly granulated NPK fertilizer has a high moisture content and needs to be dried to prevent caking. A rotary dryer efficiently reduces the moisture content, after which the product is cooled in a rotary cooler to near ambient temperatures. This step is crucial as it stabilizes the fertilizer granules, preventing them from breaking down during handling and storage.

4. Screening and Coating

After cooling, the granules are passed through screens to separate the product by size, ensuring uniformity. Oversized and undersized granules are typically crushed and recycled back into the process. The on-size granules can then be coated with a layer of material to improve their physical properties such as reducing dust, enhancing flowability, and providing resistance to moisture.

5. Packaging and Storage

The finished NPK granules are conveyed to packaging equipment where they are filled into bags, sealed, and palletized. Proper packaging is vital to protect the fertilizer from moisture and other environmental factors during storage and transport.

Quality Control and Environmental Considerations

Throughout the NPK fertilizer production process, strict quality control measures are in place to ensure product consistency and effectiveness. Additionally, environmental considerations are key. Manufacturers use advanced technologies to minimize emissions and effluents, ensuring the production process is as eco-friendly as possible.


NPK fertilizer manufacturing is a sophisticated process that turns basic chemical elements into the lifeblood of the agricultural industry. By understanding the science behind the manufacturing process, producers can optimize their operations, and farmers can better appreciate the intricate journey from raw materials to the nutrients that reach their crops. With the global population on the rise and the demand for food increasing, the importance of efficient NPK fertilizer production cannot be overstated. If you want to start NPK fertilizer making, you can visit