Ways to Make Different Form Organic Fertilizers

Gardening on an organic level has been popular for as long as any of us could remember. If you didn’t already know, there are several methods that play a huge role in our overall health as well as the health of our planet. Hence, there are several different types of natural fertilizers that can be used in your kitchen garden or even with potted plants. Read on as we dive into some different methods that can be used to make organic fertilizers.

* First on our list is grass cuttings. If your lawn is already organic, why not reuse your clippings in your garden. Even up to half of an inch of clippings is great and can be used to make a pretty decent mulch. The best part is that it works really well for blocking those pesky weeds and it’s very rich in nitrogen which is essential for most plants; all you’ll need to do is sprinkle your clippings in your garden and watch as they work their magic.

compound fertilizer producing factory

compound fertilizer producing factory

* In the same way that grass can be used, weeds can also be used as a source of making organic fertilizers and they’re excellent for providing your plants with nitrogen. However, once you’ve removed a weed from the ground, you shouldn’t put them anywhere close to your garden since they run the risk of sprouting new plants.

To deal with this, you can easily make weed tea in a 5-gallon bucket. Cover at least but no more than just 1/4 of the weeds that you’ve pulled and soak for up to two weeks. During that time, the water will become brown and you’ll be able to water your garden with tea.

* Kitchen scraps also make the perfect materials to make composting fertilizers. Since compost releases nutrients slowly, your garden will be fed for as much as two years before you need to reapply. Compost is known for also keeping the soil moist for the best results during the hotter months.

* Another source of organic fertilizer is the use of manure. Since manure comes from just about any type of animal, you’ll be able to produce manure fertilizer if you’ve got chickens, horses, bats, or even cows. However, you’ll need to carefully use these since raw manure is extremely acidic. When using manure, you run the risk of adding too many nutrients to your plants and burning them.

New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line

New Type Organic Fertilizer Production Line

So, before you apply manure to your plants, you’ll need to compost them since it becomes less nutrient-dense. When composted, you’ll be able to use more to improve the water retention around your plants without the attached odor.

* Last on our list is the use of tree leaves. Instead of throwing away your leaves, you can easily use them in your garden. Since leaves are very rich in trace minerals, when sprinkled they’ll retain moisture, attract earthworms, and even make relatively heavy soils lighter. These leaves can be tilled or used as mulch to prevent the weeds from sprouting.

As we conclude, we have just looked at some easy ways in which organic fertilizer can be made. The best part is that it comes straight from inside and around your home and you never need to spend additional cash. Organic fertilizers can be made easily or they can be a part of a much more complicated process, it all depends on the needs of your garden.

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